Our Papillon Puppies
The Papillon is a small, friendly, elegant toy dog with fine boned structure. The dog is light and dainty, yet still lively, and is distinguished from other breeds by his beautiful, butterfly-like ears. They are known to be happy and alert little dogs that are not shy or agressive. The breed must be either parti-color or white with patches of any color.
The American Kennel Club

Papillon Puppy Raising
My puppy's parents are tested for genetic defects. Puppies are vet checked and a record of the visit comes with the pup.
They have already begun their training with Early Neurological Stimulation (ENS) at 3 days old and they have had their toenails done in the first week of life. As soon as the puppies start to move away from their bed to void, we introduce a grass mat. We will continue training as they get older with mini agility equipment, noise stimulation and different surfaces. They will go for car rides to the mailbox and sometimes camping with us. They will learn stairs and outside to "go potty" will be well under way by the time they go home.
After they have had their first shot we start to introduce outside play and work on recall and boundaries.
I keep them for 12 weeks and they are registered with the CKC and microchipped.
Papillon Puppy Play
We will continue training as they get older with mini agility equipment, noise stimulation and different surfaces. We take them into the training room to walk over wobble boards and teeter totters. We play fetch and tug and make a big deal out of everything. Positive reinforcement is key to having a healthy happy papillon puppy!

Papillon Puppy Training
They will go for car rides to the mailbox and sometimes camping with us. They will learn stairs and outside to "go potty" will be well under way by the time they go home.
After they have had their first shot we start to introduce outside play and work on recall and boundries.